Shakespeare as a lyric

Shakespeare lyric is less important, perhaps, than Shakespeare the playwright. Of course, in the perception of foreign language poetry is very much determined by the translation. If not knowing good enough English, read translation of Shakespeare's sonnets, then, as a rule, it is perceived as a set of words with meaning.

(This is not something that, for example, poems By E. or George. Joyce.) Work as professional translators and poets are very much different. I read the classic translation, comparing them with translations, sometimes in some other interpreters, for example. In my opinion, the work is an outstanding work of poetry.

This author is always clearly labeled main idea of each sonnet, its leitmotif, but not at the expense of poetic imagery. In addition, some straightforwardness and cynicism of the original is always clothed them in a delicate form (see for example, sonnet number one hundred).

However, this feature of the translation is not all you can calculate the indisputable advantage. In some cases, other translations of Shakespeare's sonnets are also very good and can even surpass, in my opinion, its sensuality, passion and elegant soft. Best of all, in my opinion, for a more adequate perception of Shakespeare to read interlinear translations of a paste of several authors.

As for the sonnets, not all of them are equal. In the first sonnets (Chanting other) notable and probably not necessary to read all sonnets at once at one time. Generally, the poetic form of the sonnet is considered very difficult among Shakespeare's sonnets meet the undoubted masterpieces.

This occurs when the specifics of the feelings and thoughts of the poet blends with a wide symbolism of the lyrics, giving the whole sonnet character little revelation. An example of this kind is, in my opinion, sonnet number one hundred and two, arrangements of the music. These verses, I think, could write the poet and the later epoch, for example, the question about translations. The modern reader of Shakespeare's sonnets will be interesting, I think, to learn about the attitude of the poet to friendship, which has almost all the properties of love.
